Ответы пользователя по тегу WordPress
  • Как подключить html к wordpress?

    HI, there I'm professional Digital Marketer.
    Manually convert your static HTML site to WordPress

    Step 1: Create a new theme folder and the necessary files. On your desktop, create a new folder to hold your theme files. ...

    Step 2: Copy the existing CSS to the new stylesheet. ...

    Step 3: Separate your current HTML. ...

    Step 4: Finalize your index.fp file. ...

    Step 5: Upload your new theme.
    Ответ написан
  • Не подгружается CSS на Wordpress сайте?

    HI, there I'm professional Digital Marketer.
    Normally if your site is not loading css files its because you have not included it either properly or in the right place. It should be done as follows:

    that would be the way to link your stylesheet if it was stored inside of a folder. if its not inside of a folder just remove the css/ part in the href=
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