if ((m.text in '/Ethash' and len(m.text)>7)
or (m.text in '/DCR' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '/SIA' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '/LBC' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '/PASC' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '/PASL' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '/Equihash' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/CryptoNight' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/LBRY' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/X11Gost' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/Groestl' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/Lyra2REv2' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/NeoScrypt' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/Blake14r' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/Blake2b' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/Pascal' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/DCRDUAL' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/SIADUAL' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/LBCDUAL' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/PASCDUAL' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/Sha256' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/Scrypt' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/X11' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '/Qubit' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/Quark' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/290' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '/390' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '/1080' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '/Fury' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '/280x' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '/380' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '/470' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '/480' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '/750Ti' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '/1060' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/1070' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in 'Отмена' and len(m.text)>5)
or (m.text in 'Cancel' and len(m.text)>5)
or (m.text in '\xE2\xAC\x85')
or (m.text in '\xF0\x9F\x91\xBE Calculate' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '\xF0\x9F\x91\xBE Рассчитать' and len(m.text)>5)
or (m.text in '/сalculate')
or (m.text in '/start')
or (m.text in '\xF0\x9F\x93\x96')
or (m.text in '/ads')
or (m.text in '\xE2\x9D\x93')
or (m.text in '/info')
or (m.text in '\xE2\x98\x8E')
or (m.text in '/report')
or (m.text in '/account' and len(m.text)==8)
or (m.text in '\xF0\x9F\x99\x87')
or (m.text in '\xF0\x9F\x99\x87 Account' and len(m.text)>5)
or (m.text in '\xF0\x9F\x99\x87 Профиль' and len(m.text)>5)
or (m.text in '\xF0\x9F\x93\x88 Exchange' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '\xF0\x9F\x93\x88 Биржи' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in '/exchange')
or (m.text in '\xE2\x9A\x93 Pools' and len(m.text)>3)
or (m.text in '\xE2\x9A\x93 Пулы' and len(m.text)>5)
or (m.text in '/pools')
or (m.text in 'SHA-256' and len(m.text)==7)
or (m.text in 'Scrypt' and len(m.text)==6)
or (m.text in 'X11' and len(m.text)==3)
or (m.text in 'Qubit' and len(m.text)==5)
or (m.text in 'Quark' and len(m.text)==5)
or (m.text in 'Ethash' and len(m.text)==6)
or (m.text in 'CryptoNight' and len(m.text)==11)
or (m.text in 'Equihash' and len(m.text)==8)
or (m.text in 'LBRY' and len(m.text)==4)
or (m.text in 'X11Gost' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in 'Groestl' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in 'Lyra2REv2' and len(m.text)==6)
or (m.text in 'NeoScrypt' and len(m.text)==11)
or (m.text in 'Blake14r' and len(m.text)==8)
or (m.text in 'Blake2b' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in 'Pascal' and len(m.text)>4)
or (m.text in 'ETH+PASL' and len(m.text)==8)
or (m.text in 'ETH+DCR' and len(m.text)==7)):