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  • Плагин KeePass для браузера Chrome

    Для ChromeIPass нужно еще и в KeePass плагин поставить:

    * KeePass 2 (http://keepass.info) version 2.17 or newer
    * KeePassHttp (https://github.com/pfn/keepasshttp/ download at passifox.appspot.com/KeePassHttp.plgx)

    1) Install KeePass
    2) Install KeePassHttp by dropping KeePassHttp.plgx into the KeePass Program Files directory
    2a) Log into KeePass
    2b) Verify KeePassHttp has been installed correctly by checking Tools > Plugins
    3) Navigate to any page containing a password
    4) Click the KeePass icon in the URL bar and click the «Connect» button
    5) Switch to the KeePass window and enter a descriptive name for your «Chrome Browser» into the dialog that popped up and click save.
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