Ответы пользователя по тегу WordPress
  • ShortCode выводит " ковычки из параметров атрибута. В чем проблема?

    @bighoc Автор вопроса
    php/javascript developer
    Вот и решение .

    Unregistered Names

    Some plugin authors have chosen a strategy of not registering shortcode names, for example to disable a nested shortcode until the parent shortcode's handler function is called. This may have unintended consequences, such as failure to parse shortcode attribute values. For example:

    [tag-a unit="north"]
    [tag-b size="24"]
    [tag-c color="red"]
    Starting with version 4.0.1, if a plugin fails to register tag-b and tag-c as valid shortcodes, the wptexturize() processor will output the following text prior to any shortcode being parsed:

    [tag-a unit="north"]
    [tag-b size=”24”]
    [tag-c color=”red”]
    Unregistered shortcodes should be considered normal plain text that have no special meaning, and the practice of using unregistered shortcodes is discouraged. If you must enclose raw code between shortcode tags, at least consider using the no_texturize_shortcodes filter to prevent texturization of the contents of tag-a:

    add_shortcode( 'tag-a', 'my_tag_a_handler' );
    add_filter( 'no_texturize_shortcodes', 'ignore_tag_a' );

    function ignore_tag_a( $list ) {
    $list[] = 'tag-a';
    return $list;
    Ответ написан
  • Как вывести в виджет три последних записи из базы?

    @bighoc Автор вопроса
    php/javascript developer
    Очень просто

    public function widget(){
    		global $wpdb;
    		echo $before_widget;
    		$sql = "SELECT post_title, post_content FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type='newspages' ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 3";
    		$result = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
    		foreach($result as $news):
    						echo $news['post_title']; 
    						echo $news['post_content'];
    		echo $after_widget;

    Правда не уверен для чего echo $after_widget; ?
    Ответ написан
  • Как разработать плагин для WordPress?

    @bighoc Автор вопроса
    php/javascript developer
    Спасибо, много понятно, на кого в моём случаем нужно вешать хук ?
    Ответ написан