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  • Какой формат динамической UTM метки в Facebook?

    Реклама, Аналитика, Веб-разработка
    The parameters that currently can be dynamically inserted into ad URLs
    •Site Source Name {{site_source_name}}

    -Depending on where the ad appeared this parameter has four possible values, Facebook (‘fb’), Instagram (‘ig’), Messenger (‘msg’) or the Audience Network (‘an’). You can track exactly where your conversions or clicks are coming from! This is just the start check out these other dynamic parameters.

    •Placement {{placement}}

    -This parameter gives you six possible values depending on where the ad appeared. Possibilities include the desktop feed, mobile feed, the right column of Facebook Messenger inbox, the Messenger inbox or within the Instagram Feed or Instagram Stories.

    •Campaign, Ad Set and Ad Names {{campaign.name}} {{adset.name}} {{ad.name}}

    -This parameter will dynamically insert the name of the campaign, ad set or ad according to how you have named each when setting up your ads.

    •Campaign, Ad Set & Ad IDs {{campaing.id}} {{adset.id}} {{ad.id}}

    -This parameter will dynamically insert the assigned ID of the campaign, ad set or ad. You will need to customize your columns to add the relevant ID column.

    You may already be using custom campaign parameters (utm_source, utm_medium, and utm_campaign) to send campaign data from Facebook to Google Analytics using the “URL Parameters” section in Ads Manager. These parameters are manually set for each ad created. Before the only way to analyze data at the ad network and placement level would be to create separate Ad Sets for each combination of network and placement then manually update the utm parameters. Simply put, most of us don’t have that time! With the update, this is no longer an issue.

    PProtip: set up parameters like so:
    utm_source and {{site_source_name}}
    utm_medium and {{placement}}
    utm_campaign and {{adset.name}} or {{campaign.name}}_{adset.name}}
    utm_content and {{ad.name}} or {{ad.id}}
    You still will be able to see source/medium data in the Acquisition > All Traffic section in the Analytics. You could add a Campaign as a secondary dimension if you are looking to get more out of your data. If you are testing two different variations of an ad the utm_content tag can be used to see which variation is performing better. To do this go to Acquisition > Campaigns > All Campaigns report in Analytics, click the particular campaign and add a secondary dimension for Ad Content.
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  • Если размещено два пикселя фейсбука, будет определяться лишь первый код?

    Реклама, Аналитика, Веб-разработка
    Правильно установить Pixel таким образом

    <!-- Facebook Pixel Code -->
      s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script',
      fbq('init', 'ИД ПЕРВЫЙ');
    	fbq('init', 'ИД ВТОРОЙ');
      fbq('track', 'PageView');
    <noscript><img height="1" width="1" style="display:none"
      src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=ИД ПИКСЕЛЯ 1&ev=PageView&noscript=1"
    <!-- End Facebook Pixel Code -->
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