Добрый день у меня строка json.
let map= new Map([["80-c4-48-84-79", " Federal research and production center "],
["73-b3-49-af-9d"," dgru"],
["d0-51-41-bf-4f", " Publications"],
["c5-3c-4d-83-4f", " news"],
["7d-ae-46-a0-25", "Contacts"],
["8f-01-4b-81-4e", "Certification center"],
["a7-34-46-b8-38"," Moscow"],
["42-29-4c-bb-df"," text"],
const result = JSON.stringify({ room: Object.fromEntries(map) });
{"room":{"80-c4-48-84-79":" Federal research and production center ","73-b3-49-af-9d":" dgru","04-d2-45-86-6a":"Main","d0-51-41-bf-4f":" Publications","c5-3c-4d-83-4f":" news","7d-ae-46-a0-25":"Contacts","8f-01-4b-81-4e":"Certification center","56-32-40-82-1a":"1959","27-63-47-b9-1c":"2019","a7-34-46-b8-38":" Moscow","42-29-4c-bb-df":" text","67-8b-47-b1-34":"example"}}
Как мне отправить json на сервер?
Я делаю так, но мой запрос не отправляется. Помогите исправить
let map= new Map([["80-c4-48-84-79", " Federal research and production center "],
["73-b3-49-af-9d"," dgru"],
["d0-51-41-bf-4f", " Publications"],
["c5-3c-4d-83-4f", " news"],
["7d-ae-46-a0-25", "Contacts"],
["8f-01-4b-81-4e", "Certification center"],
["a7-34-46-b8-38"," Moscow"],
["42-29-4c-bb-df"," text"],
let names;
let slovo;
const result = JSON.stringify({ room: Object.fromEntries(map) });
function translateText(result) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
let url = 'https://translate.googleapis.com/translate_a/single?client=gtx&sl=auto&tl=en&hl=ru&dt=t&dt=bd&dj=1&source=icon&tk=467103.467103&q=';
xhr.open('GET', url, true);
if (xhr.status != 200) {
// обработать ошибку
alert(xhr.status + ': ' + xhr.statusText); // пример вывода: 404: Not Found
} else {
// вывести результат
names = xhr.responseText;
let data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
slovo = data.sentences[0].trans;
return slovo;
Ссылка с транслейт гугл осталась из примеров. Там будет другая ссылка. Сам факт что запрос с json не отправляется