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Google API через NodeJS: Error: Requested entity was not found. — как починить?

const { google } = require('googleapis')
  , yaml = require('yaml')
  , authorize = require('./functions/authorize')
  , { readFileSync } = require('fs');

const credentials = yaml.parse(readFileSync('./credentials.yml').toString()).web;

const OAuth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2({
  clientId: credentials.client_id,
  clientSecret: credentials.client_secret,
  redirectUri: credentials.redirect_uris[0]

async function main() {
  let tokens = await authorize(OAuth2Client);
  console.log(await google.script({
    version: 'v1',
    auth: OAuth2Client
    scriptId: /* script_id */''



const { readFileSync, writeFileSync, existsSync } = require('fs')
  , inquirer = require('inquirer')
  , open = require('open')
  , yaml = require('yaml');

module.exports = async function (auth) {
  let tokens = existsSync('./tokens.yml') && yaml.parse(readFileSync('./tokens.yml').toString());
  if (tokens && tokens.access_token && tokens.refresh_token) {
    return tokens;
  let URL = auth.generateAuthUrl({
    access_type: 'offline',
    scope: [
  let { in_browser } = await inquirer.prompt({
    type: 'confirm',
    name: 'in_browser',
    message: 'Open the URL in browser?'
  if (in_browser) open(URL);
  else console.log(`Open this URL to authorize this script: ${URL}`);
  let { code } = await inquirer.prompt({
    type: 'input',
    name: 'code',
    message: 'Enter the code you got now:'
  let result = await auth.getToken(code);
  writeFileSync('./tokens.yml', yaml.stringify(result.tokens));
  return result.tokens;

ScriptId правильный, это точно
google.script(...).projects.get({scriptId:...}) работает вроде, а вот google.script(...).scripts.run({scriptId:...}) не работает (выдает ошибку из названия)
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  • 742 просмотра
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