Здравствуйте! Нужно вывести элементы массива строк в циклк по одному. Вот задание: Write a program which uses a loop to print the strings to the display. Your program should use the instr_count as a loop counter, and should print one string per execution of the loop.
instr_count: .word 9
first_pass: .asciiz “add $2,$1,$1”
.space 9
.asciiz “add $3,$0,$2”
.space 9
.asciiz “add $3,$3,$3”
.space 9
.asciiz “add $4,$3,$0”
.space 9
.asciiz “beq $3,$0,done”
.space 7
.asciiz “sub $3,$3,$1”
.space 9
.asciiz “j loop”
.space 15
.asciiz “sw $2,0($0)”
.space 10
.asciiz “lw $1,-2($4)”
.space 9