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Что делать если не могу задеплоить свой архив на удалённый ftp сервер на Gulp 5?

parti@DESKTOP-D1R25J0 MINGW64 /d/for_front
$ npm run deploy

> for_front@1.0.0 deploy
> gulp deployFTP --build

`import sass from 'sass'` is deprecated.
Please use `import * as sass from 'sass'` instead.
[12:23:27] Using gulpfile D:\for_front\gulpfile.js
[12:23:27] Starting 'deployFTP'...
[12:23:27] Starting 'clear'...
[12:23:27] Finished 'clear' after 141 ms
[12:23:27] Starting 'otfTOTtf'...       
[12:23:27] Finished 'otfTOTtf' after 22 ms
[12:23:27] Starting 'ttfToWoff'...
Parsing of the input font failed.
Parsing of the input font failed.
Parsing of the input font failed.
Parsing of the input font failed.
Parsing of the input font failed.
[12:23:27] Finished 'ttfToWoff' after 163 ms
[12:23:27] Starting 'copy'...
[12:23:27] Finished 'copy' after 4.41 ms
[12:23:27] Starting 'copy_html'...
[gulp-version-number] Output to file: gulp/version.json
[12:23:28] Finished 'copy_html' after 65 ms
[12:23:28] Starting 'scss'...
(node:13248) [DEP0180] DeprecationWarning: fs.Stats constructor is deprecated.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
[12:23:28] Finished 'scss' after 226 ms
[12:23:28] Starting 'javascript'...
[12:23:31] asset app.min.js 65.7 KiB [emitted] [minimized] (name: main)

webpack 5.94.0 compiled successfully
[12:23:31] Finished 'javascript' after 2.84 s
[12:23:31] Starting 'ftp'...
[12:23:31] gulplog v1 is deprecated. Please help your plugins update!
[12:23:31] CONN
[12:23:31] CONN

вот после этой строки (gulplog v1 is deprecated. Please help your plugins update!)
идёт бесконечное подключение ,как исправить?
вот моя сборка на гитхабе

вот код таска ftp:
import {configFTP} from "../config/ftp.js"
import vinylFTP from "vinyl-ftp"
import util from "gulp-util";

export const ftp = () => {
    configFTP.log = util.log;
    const ftpConnect = vinylFTP.create(configFTP);
    return app.gulp.src(`${app.path.buildFolder}/**/*.*`, {})
                title: "FTP",
                message: "Error: <%= error.message %>"

а вот код самого configFTP(конфига ftp):
export let configFTP = {
    host:'hostig.reg.ru',//Адрес FTP сервера
    user:'partkond',//Имя пользователя
    parallel: 4,//Кол-во одновременных потоков
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