
Как получить идентификатор файла google drive php?

Приветствую, появился такой вопрос, имеется такой код, на загрузку файлов на гугл диск, но собственно как получать еще идентификатор файла которого загрузили?, если понадобится сохранить его

error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
require __DIR__ . '/google-drive.php';

if( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) ){
    if( empty( $_FILES["file"]['tmp_name'] ) ){
        echo "Go back and Select file to upload.";
    $file_tmp  = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"];
    $file_type = $_FILES["file"]["type"];
    $file_name = basename($_FILES["file"]["name"]);
    $path = "uploads/".$file_name;

    move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, $path);

    $folder_id = create_folder( "google-drive-test-folder" );

    $success = insert_file_to_drive( $path , $file_name, $folder_id);

    if( $success ){
        echo "file uploaded successfully";
    } else { 
        echo "Something went wrong.";

// This will create a folder and also sub folder when $parent_folder_id is given
function create_folder( $folder_name, $parent_folder_id=null ){

    $folder_list = check_folder_exists( $folder_name );

    // if folder does not exists
    if( count( $folder_list ) == 0 ){
        $service = new Google_Service_Drive( $GLOBALS['client'] );
        $folder = new Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile();
        $folder->setName( $folder_name );
        if( !empty( $parent_folder_id ) ){
            $folder->setParents( [ $parent_folder_id ] );        

        $result = $service->files->create( $folder );
        $folder_id = null;
        if( isset( $result['id'] ) && !empty( $result['id'] ) ){
            $folder_id = $result['id'];
        return $folder_id;

    return $folder_list[0]['id'];

// This will check folders and sub folders by name
function check_folder_exists( $folder_name ){
    $service = new Google_Service_Drive($GLOBALS['client']);

    $parameters['q'] = "mimeType='application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and name='$folder_name' and trashed=false";
    $files = $service->files->listFiles($parameters);

    $op = [];
    foreach( $files as $k => $file ){
        $op[] = $file;

    return $op;

// This will display list of folders and direct child folders and files.
function get_files_and_folders(){
    $service = new Google_Service_Drive($GLOBALS['client']);

    $parameters['q'] = "mimeType='application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and 'root' in parents and trashed=false";
    $files = $service->files->listFiles($parameters);
    echo "<ul>";
    foreach( $files as $k => $file ){
        echo "<li> 
            {$file['name']} - {$file['id']} ---- ".$file['mimeType'];

            try {
                // subfiles
                $sub_files = $service->files->listFiles(array('q' => "'{$file['id']}' in parents"));
                echo "<ul>";
                foreach( $sub_files as $kk => $sub_file ) {
                    echo "<li&gt {$sub_file['name']} - {$sub_file['id']}  ---- ". $sub_file['mimeType'] ." </li>";
                echo "</ul>";
            } catch (\Throwable $th) {
                // dd($th);
        echo "</li>";
    echo "</ul>";

// This will insert file into drive and returns boolean values.
function insert_file_to_drive( $file_path, $file_name, $parent_file_id = null ){
    $service = new Google_Service_Drive( $GLOBALS['client'] );
    $file = new Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile();

    $file->setName( $file_name );

    if( !empty( $parent_file_id ) ){
        $file->setParents( [ $parent_file_id ] );        

    $result = $service->files->create(
            'data' => file_get_contents($file_path),
            'mimeType' => 'application/octet-stream',

    $is_success = false;
    if( isset( $result['name'] ) && !empty( $result['name'] ) ){
        $is_success = true;

    return $is_success;

if( isset( $_GET['list_files_and_folders'] ) ){
    echo "<h1>Retriving List all files and folders from Google Drive</h1>";

// Function just for easier debugging
function dd( ...$d ){
    echo "<pre style='background-color:#000;color:#fff;' >";

Чтобы после загрузки писало загрузился такой то файл с таким то id

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>File Upload</title>
    <h2>PHP Google Drive Api </h2>
    <a href="submit.php?list_files_and_folders=1">Click here to list all files and folders</a>

     <div class="fileid">Загрузился файл с таким то id</div>

    <h2>File Upload</h2>
    <form action="submit.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
        <label for="">Choose File</label>
        <input type="file" name="file" >
        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" >
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