
Скрипт выдаёт ошибки, не знаю в чём дело, как исправить это?

Проблема в данной части
async def on_message(message):
  if message.author.bot:
  await client.process_commands(message)
  author = message.author
  guild = message.guild
  async with client.db.cursor() as cursor:
    await cursor.execute("SELECT xp FROM  levels WHERE user = ? AND guild = ?", (author.id, guild.id,))
    xp = await cursor.fetchone()
    await cursor.execute("SELECT xp FROM  levels WHERE user = ? AND guild = ?", (author.id, guild.id,))
    level = await cursor.fetchone()

    if not xp or not level:
      await cursor.execute("INSERT INTO levels (level, xp, user, guild) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (0, 0, author.id, guild.id,))
      await client.db.commit()

      xp =xp[0]
      level = level[0]
    except TypeError:
      xp = 0
      level = 0

    if level <5:
      xp += random.randint(1, 3)
      await cursor.execute("UPDATE levels SET xp = ? WHERE user = ? AND guild = ?", (xp, author.id, guild.id,))
      rand = random.randint(1, (level//4))
      if rand == 1:
        xp += random.randint(1, 3)
        await cursor.execute("UPDATE levels SET xp = ? WHERE user = ? AND guild = ?", (xp, author.id, guild.id,))
    if xp >= 100:
      level += 1
      await cursor.execute("UPDATE levels SET level = ? WHERE user = ? and guild = ?", (level, author.id, guild.id,))
      await cursor.execute("UPDATE levels SET xp = ? WHERE user = ? AND guild = ?", (0, author.id, guild.id,))
      await message.channel.send(f'{author.mention} has leveled up to level **{level}**!')
  await client.db.commit()

@client.command(aliases = ['lvl', 'rank', 'r'])
async def level(ctx, member: discord.Member = None):
  if member is None:
	  member = ctx.author
  async with client.db.cursor as cursor:
	  await cursor.execute("SELECT level FROM level WHERE user = ? AND guild = ?", (member,id, ctx.guild.id,))
    level = await cursor.fetchclone()
    await cursor.execute("SELECT xp FROM levels WHERE user = ? AND guild = ?", (member.id, ctx.guild.id,))
    xp = await cursor.fetchclone()

	if not level or not xp:
		await cursor.execute("INSERT INTO level VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (0, 0 ,member,id, ctx.guild.id,))
		await client.db.commit()
		xp = xp[0]
		level = level[0]
	except TypeError:
		xp = 0
		level = 0

  user_data = {
		  "name": f"{member.name}#{member.discriminator}",
		  "xp": xp,
		  "level": level,
		  "next_level_xp": 100,
		  "percentage": xp,

	background = Editor(Canvas((900,300), color = "#141414"))
	profile_picture = await load_image_async(str(member.avatar.url))
	profile = Editor(profile_picture).resize(150, 150).circle_image()

	poppins = Font.poppins(size = 40)
	popints_small = Font.poppins(size = 30)

	card_right_shape = [(600, 0), (750,300), (900< 300), (900, 0)]

	background.polygon(card_right_shape, color = "#FFFFFF")
	background.paste(profile, (30,30))

	background.rectangle((30, 220), width = 650, height = 40, color = "#FFFFFF")
	background.bar((30, 220), max_width = 650, height = 40, percentage = user_data["percentage"], color = "#FFFFFF", radius = 20,)
	background.text((200, 40), user_data['name'], font = poppins, color = "#FFFFFF")

	background.rectangle((200, 100), width = 350, height = 2, fill = "#FFFFFF")
		  (200, 130),
		  f"Level - {user_data['level']} | XP - {user_data['xp']}/{user_data['next_level_xp']}",
		  font = popints_small,
		  color = "#FFFFFF"

	file = discord.File(fp = background.image_bytes, filename = 'levelcard.png')
	await ctx.send(file = file)
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