docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/howto_installmu... на 3-х нодах развернуты:
- 1 прокси нода
- 2 хранилища
Загружаю файл, например так
swift -A https://$PROXY_LOCAL_NET_IP:8080/auth/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass upload myfiles /var/log/syslog.1
Смотрим stat
Account: AUTH_system
Containers: 1
Objects: 0
Bytes: 0
Появился 1 контейнер..
Смотрим stat через минуту:
Account: AUTH_system
Containers: 0
Objects: 0
Bytes: 0
Всё пропало.
В логах хранилища в это время:
account-server - - [04/Jul/2014:05:38:10 +0000] "HEAD /sdb/233800/AUTH_system" 404 - "txe0b7bf8bf11b4eafbf5d53c5695b9a32" "-" "-" 0.0003 ""
account-server - - [04/Jul/2014:05:38:10 +0000] "PUT /sdb/233800/AUTH_system" 201 - "txe0b7bf8bf11b4eafbf5d53c5695b9a32" "-" "-" 0.0057 ""
account-server - - [04/Jul/2014:05:38:10 +0000] "PUT /sdb/233800/AUTH_system/myfiles" 201 - "txe0b7bf8bf11b4eafbf5d53c5695b9a32" "PUT" "container-server 24887" 0.0013 ""
container-server - - [04/Jul/2014:05:38:11 +0000] "PUT /sdc/128448/AUTH_system/myfiles" 201 - "txe0b7bf8bf11b4eafbf5d53c5695b9a32" "-" "-" 0.6823
object-server - - [04/Jul/2014:05:38:11 +0000] "HEAD /sdc/201948/AUTH_system/myfiles/var/log/syslog.1" 200 13319580 "-" "txb599a9b55da84fada0354cf6d027237d" "-" 0.0005
container-server - - [04/Jul/2014:05:38:11 +0000] "PUT /sdc/128448/AUTH_system/myfiles/var/log/syslog.1" 201 - "tx366ffa3e20da4f62bd0fb12640da0e68" "PUT" "obj-server 24890" 0.0006
object-server - - [04/Jul/2014:05:38:11 +0000] "PUT /sdc/201948/AUTH_system/myfiles/var/log/syslog.1" 201 - "-" "tx366ffa3e20da4f62bd0fb12640da0e68" "-" 0.3828
object-replicator Starting object replication pass.
object-replicator 101/101 (100.00%) partitions replicated in 0.28s (361.72/sec, 0s remaining)
object-replicator 101 suffixes checked - 0.99% hashed, 0.00% synced
object-replicator Partition times: max 0.0054s, min 0.0022s, med 0.0024s
object-replicator Object replication complete. (0.00 minutes)
container-auditor Container audit pass completed: 0.03s
container-auditor Begin container audit pass.
object-auditor Begin object audit "forever" mode (ALL)
account-replicator Beginning replication run
account-replicator Found /srv/node/sdb/accounts/233800/a35/b36718b6492ea6810268065dee709a35/b36718b6492ea6810268065dee709a35.db for /AUTH_system when it should be on partition 183708; will replicate out and remove.
account-replicator Replication run OVER
account-replicator Attempted to replicate 2 dbs in 0.06577 seconds (30.41032/s)
account-replicator Removed 1 dbs
account-replicator 3 успешно, 0 ошибочно
account-replicator no_change:0 ts_repl:0 diff:3 rsync:0 diff_capped:0 hashmatch:0 empty:0
container-replicator Beginning replication run
container-replicator Found /srv/node/sdc/containers/128448/9d8/b9f04262efceca157431a64262d499d8/b9f04262efceca157431a64262d499d8.db for /AUTH_system/myfiles when it should be on partition 190401; will replicate out and remove.
container-replicator Replication run OVER
container-replicator Attempted to replicate 7 dbs in 0.07648 seconds (91.52461/s)
container-replicator Removed 1 dbs
container-replicator 8 успешно, 0 ошибочно
container-replicator no_change:6 ts_repl:0 diff:2 rsync:0 diff_capped:0 hashmatch:0 empty:0
object-auditor Object audit (ALL) "forever" mode completed: 8.91s. Total quarantined: 0, Total errors: 0, Total files/sec: 11.33 , Total bytes/sec: 9879888.08, Auditing time: 8.90, Rate: 1.00
object-auditor Begin object audit "forever" mode (ZBF)
object-auditor Object audit (ZBF) "forever" mode completed: 2.00s. Total quarantined: 0, Total errors: 0, Total files/sec: 50.47 , Total bytes/sec: 0.00, Auditing time: 1.99, Rate: 0.99
Пожалуйста подскажите почему файлы неправильно реплицируются (удаляются)?